Shoulder stability and strength

Shoulder stability and strength

Often with Pilates based exercises, the focus can be on the pelvis and abdomen, but control around your shoulder girdle is not only important for upper limb function, but it can really effect your neck and spinal dynamics.

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Shoulder stability and strength
  • Four point kneeling

    A variety of some of our favourite four point kneeling exercises.
    Shoulder stability, gluteal conditioning, abdominal recruitment, back stabilisation...and more!
    Enjoy :)

  • Shoulder strength and tone - grab your weights!

    Choice whatever weight you fancy and can control.
    Under 15 minute focussed class to help guide your strength and stability of your upper limbs.
    You can do all of these exercise sitting in a chair if preferred.

  • Weight conditioning session for arms.

    You'll feel more than your arms working - great core stabilisation and balance components incorporated here.

    If you'd like to target one specific area, you can cherry pick one/ two of the arm exercise within this session and complete 3 sets (1 minute rest between each set).

    *Apologies for the b...