

This collection looks at ways you can improve on your posture - take nuggets away with you to work on in your day-to-day and feel your body connect for a better you.

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  • Posture 4 - 4 point kneeling

    Aside form the deep stretches, Becky also takes you through some deeply stabilising planks - looking at whole body strength to give you a stronger base to aid a stronger posture.

  • Posture 5 - sitting

    How much do you sit in the day?
    Same chair mostly?
    Sitting in the same kind of way?

    This is what you need! Also take tips here from Becky - movement is key - look at changing your position regularly. Maybe try lying on your side watching TV?!

  • Posture 3 - backline

    If your back doesn't like lying on your tummy, then use a cushion on towel here to help. Or skip this session and move onto the next!

    This session can be repeated for 3 sets if you'd like to.
    This session opens your chest and helps to improve the muscles that stabilise our lumbar spin, shoulder...

  • Posture 2 - movement control in standing

    Stretching & mobilising the shoulders &spine to enable a deeper postural connection and alignment.

  • Posture intro - aligment

    Your feet form the foundation of your core. Becky starts here and works upwards, optimising your position and body awareness.
    A great one to check in on every now and again - we are all guilty of poor posture at times!

    We of course touch on these points in all of our classes but here we focus i...

  • PART 1 - 5 min sunny standing stretch

    Tag on any of the other classes from our 10 minute section to continue your practice.