Low back pain - sitting
Lower Back Pain
This session includes pelvic tilting, pelvic floor recruitment, lower abdominal recruitment, buttock muscle activation, some spinal mobility work and glut stretching. All exercises are at a low level designed for those with acute low back pain, or chronic low back and just starting their journey to improved pain management and function.
Up Next in Lower Back Pain
Low back pain - standing
This session involves a full compliment of spinal movement from flexion to rotation and involves the whole spine from neck to lower back. All exercises are at a low level designed for those with acute or chronic low back pain and just starting their journey to improve their pain, management and f...
Tips to help with low back pain manag...
Bill gives some pointers on things that you can do to manage acute episodes of low back pain.
You can follow or progressive exercise sessions in this series to help with your management forwards.
Of course we recommend that you see a Physiotherapist for specific advice and help with management ...
Low back pain program - floor progres...
Targeted to acute back pain. Low level progression with movement and stabilisation.
Ensure you can complete the other exercise in the series before trying this one.As always, and where possible, be guided by your physio as to what specifically is best for you. We are here to help you! In clinic...